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phones with screenshot of takeaway apps

The Ultimate Guide to Online Ordering for Takeaways

In today’s fast-paced world, the convenience of online ordering has become a game-changer for the food industry. As a takeaway owner, embracing online ordering can significantly boost your sales, enhance customer satisfaction, and streamline your operations. However, many takeaway owners struggle with choosing the right platform. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about online ordering for takeaways and how MyFoodFast can provide the perfect solution.

The Pitfalls of Choosing the Wrong Online Ordering Platform

Common Challenges

High Costs

Many takeaway owners fall into the trap of choosing the most marketed platforms, only to regret it later. These platforms, often not specifically designed for takeaways, end up costing hundreds of pounds per month without delivering the promised growth.

Lack of Reporting

These platforms often provide little or no reporting, making it difficult to understand your sales performance and customer preferences.

Limited Flexibility

Some platforms register the domain for you, making it challenging to switch providers if you’re not satisfied with their services.

Stagnant Sales

Without the right tools and insights, sales can stagnate, and the growth you were promised may never materialise.

The Solution: MyFoodFast’s Tailored Approach

At MyFoodFast, we understand the unique needs of takeaway businesses. Our solutions are specifically designed to address the challenges you face and help you grow your business effectively.

Why Choose MyFoodFast?

Built for Takeaways

Every feature of MyFoodFast is built with takeaways in mind. We don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we focus on providing tools that meet the specific needs of takeaway businesses.

Key Features of MyFoodFast

1. Website & App for Takeaways

Our platform provides a seamless online ordering experience through both website and app, ensuring your customers can order from you easily, no matter where they are.

2. Central Menu Management

Update your menu across all platforms with just one click. This centralised management saves you hours of manual updates and ensures consistency.

3. Repeat Orders

Encourage customers to reorder with just a few clicks, enhancing convenience and driving repeat business.

4. Bespoke Branding

Customise your online ordering site and app to reflect your brand in real time, by simply selecting your primary, secondary and tertiary colours. This ensures a consistent customer experience and strengthens your brand identity, while also giving you the ability to change branding on certain days.

5. Smart Promos

Delight your customers, by automatically giving them a discount. No need to look for coupons. Run targeted promotions based on customer data. Our smart promo tools help you attract new customers, by automatically offering 20% for first time orders, and retain existing ones.  Rest assured that customers won’t game you, as our platform runs on SMS verified login at all times.

6. Real-Time Tracking

Provide customers with real-time order tracking, from when the order goes to the Kitchen, and when it is on the way..  enhancing transparency and improving the overall customer experience, as they won’t be calling you and asking where the order is!

7. Virtual Brands

Expand your offering with virtual brands. Our platform makes it easy to manage multiple brands from a single location.

8. Allergens & Tags

Ensure compliance and customer safety by clearly displaying allergens and dietary tags on your menu.

9. Smart Reviews

Automatically collect detailed customer reviews, and get a score to compare against other stores and see the trend over time, to build trust and attract more business.

Affordable Pricing

Unlike some companies that hide their pricing or charge a monthly fee, MyFoodFast offers a much more cost-effective solution

  • Starter Plan: No monthly fees for online ordering. Only 65p per transaction (paid by the customer) and 2.4% + 20p for card fees (paid by you). There are no fees on cash payments.

Proven Results

Takeaway owners using MyFoodFast have seen remarkable improvements:

  • Pizza Triangle reported a 25% increase in sales within the first three months of upgrading from LivePepper.
  • Slumdog Indian achieved a 90% customer satisfaction rate due to seamless order processing and timely deliveries.


Online ordering for takeaways is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. By implementing an effective online ordering system like MyFoodFast, you can enhance customer satisfaction, increase sales, and streamline your operations. MyFoodFast offers a robust and affordable solution designed specifically for takeaways, helping you stay ahead in the competitive food delivery market.

Ready to transform your takeaway business with online ordering? Contact MyFoodFast today and discover how we can help you succeed.

About MyFoodFast

MyFoodFast is dedicated to providing innovative solutions for the food delivery industry. We aim to empower takeaway owners with the tools and insights they need to optimise their operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and grow their businesses. Join us and transform your takeaway with MyFoodFast’s cutting-edge technology.
